I haven’t had to live through a Chicago-type winter in ages. So sights like the alley behind my sister Ann’s house on the North Side of Chicago have a certain appeal: The light on the snow, the tire tracks. Very atmospheric. Of course, I’ll be back in the warm zone in a few days. The atmosphere might be lost on those stay behind, judging by this comment from Ann: “By this point, every time I see it snow, I go, ‘Oh, Jesus.’ “
Of course, there’s snow, and then there’s snow. Below is a shot from my brother John, in Brooklyn, where they had their second foot-plus snowfall in a month yesterday. Atmospheric in a whole different way.
Alright…I made the Infospigot! A lot of that snow is already gone…gone to slush and mush. The Christmas trees and bicycles are starting to poke out of the drifts. Anyway, this is a snowstorm you would have really enjoyed.
Slush and mush. I hope it’s gray and full of grit and shreds of trash. Then with any luck you’ll have a deep freeze to preserve it till April.
I like those bike shots you’ve sent me. Maybe we could do an online slideshow with those.