Done: The semester at UC Berkeley. I await the results of the semester. Promising not to go into the details, I’m sure the outcome was mixed. That paper I mentioned recently? Got an A on it; but it was a tough A, and reading the comments — both the graduate student instructor and the professor who taught the class wrote a full page of single-spaced comments — made me realize how much I have to learn (and also, the research made me see how often historians have trod the same ground (the Irish, the Irish in America, slavery, abolition, racism); well, perhaps not exactly the same ground: I want to explore how the Roman Catholic Church fits into the mix. Maybe I’ll write some more about that later.
And my other class? Cognitive linguistics. An excellent class that I could have done better by. In the end, I got into a bind with a long, complex take-home final due at virtually the same time as my long, complex research paper. One lesson I learned: Ask for an extension (on something). In the end, I put nearly all my chips on the history paper. Glad that it paid off, though I feel like I missed something in the linguistics class. Like I said: more to learn.
Neglected: Nearly everything else, including this here blog, though I have been watering the plants and mowing the lawn.
That is all. For tonight. b
Technorati Tags: berkeley
Well done, sir!
Number one son up in Toronto just got grades; he did well, especially considering the struggle he had with one class in particular.
Relax and enjoy the summer!