The late afternoon sun angles in and lights up a Valentine’s bouquet, with some of the detritus of the modern dining-room table in the background.
Today was warm–a good day to reap the winter’s bounteous harvest of weeds. And since we’ve only had about half an inch of rain since the first of the year (and none at all for the last three weeks), I watered today, too. The forecasters say their models show a storm moving down the coast on Tuesday, so maybe I was just priming the pump for some moisture from the skies.
(As to weather stats: Here’s one meteorologist’s day-by-day log of this season’s rain–and the previous 52 seasons as well. The same forecaster, Jan Null, notes elsewhere on his site that since 1950, it’s been the rule during Bay Area rainy season to have at least one prolonged dry spell in midwinter. The average he found was 19 days, with the shortest being eight and the longest–in the 2011-12 season–being 49. By Null’s definition, our current dry spell has reached 24 days).
It’s eighteen degrees here in Brooklyn. Windy and dry as well.