Daily Adventure


John and Sean’s last (full) day here on this visit. Late in the afternoon, we went on an expedition, via BART (to Daly City) and Muni (the No. 28 bus up 19th Avenue) to the Golden Gate Bridge. We could tell looking across the bay from Berkeley as we left that the bridge was fogged in. That’s typical for August. Then again, everything might be different after an hour or hour and a half train-and-bus ride. But when we got off the 28 at the bridge visitors center, the fog was so dense that even on the very edge of the bridge the towers were completely invisible. We walked across anyway. The foghorns were blasting from the base of the bridge. Dew rained from the cables. The traffic roared. We went over and back, and the light was unusual and beautiful the whole way. As we neared the southern side again, deep in the twilight and just 15 minutes before the walkway was closed to pedestrians for the night, the damnedest thing happened: it cleared up enough that we could see all the way across the bay to Berkeley and out through the Golden Gate to the remnants of the sunset. Then, after watching the skunks gamboling around the visitors center parking lot, we got back on the bus to BART and then home.


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