Sunday Dribblings


News to Me: The world of organized rock, paper, scissors play. Seriously. NPR did a story on the world championship yesterday. There’s an RPS league. There’s a gory-looking RPS T-shirt (above).

Will I ever read it?
The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game.” By Michael Lewis (“Liar’s Poker,” “The New New Thing, “Moneyball”). Kate read an excerpt to me this morning–a detailed narration of Lawrence Taylor’s famous destruction of Joe Theismann. Excerpt snippet: “Theismann has played in 163 straight games, a record for the Washington Redskins. He’s led his teams to two Super Bowls, and won one. He’s 36 years old. He’s certain he still has a few good years left in him. He’s wrong. He has less than half a second.”

Oldest president ever: Gerald Ford, as of today. It’s possible he’s aged better than Chevy Chase, his erstwhile stunt double.

Decree from Lingo Emperor: If I could decree one thing and one thing only about our language, I’d abolish the word utilize and erase any sign that anyone ever used it … or utilized it.

5 Replies to “Sunday Dribblings”

  1. As long as you’ve broken out the toga, could you spend some political capital and declare ALL imaginary friends equal? This would include Jesus, Allah, Buddah and Mrs. Beasley.

  2. Harvey. Don’t forget Harvey.
    And happy birthday, LF. A day or two late. But that’s about the speed of things right now.

  3. And judyb: I interpret that picture differently. I don’t think that’s “rock”; I think that’s a hand holding the “paper” arm that’s getting cut by the scissors.

  4. Michael Lewis is hugely talented, and I loved “Moneyball.” But do I need to read another sports book? Not today. I’m sticking to watchin’ games now and again these days….

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