The Other Side of Winter


The Bay Area winter is notable for its lack of snow drifts and subzero (Fahrenheit) temperatures; though, from what I hear, that’s true of virtually the entire country this this winter. But here’s something that doesn’t happen everywhere: in late January and early February, buds begin to flower. I’ve taken a picture of this particular bush before; it’s a flowering quince just up the street from us. Elsewhere in the neighborhood, plums trees are big, showy piles of pink. It’s almost enough to make you forget this year’s non-winter.

2 Replies to “The Other Side of Winter”

  1. Dan, two mini-daffodils have bloomed in my front yard, a third on the way, and tulip leaves are poking up. Plus, of course, the traditional quince. I wonder how old these bushes are?

  2. I have no idea how old these bushes are, but they’ve been there more than 20 years because I remember John Adams getting exercised that flower-vendors were showing up to clip the bushes for sale somewhere around town.

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