Our Block from the Air

CIMG1827_1I’ve always loved looking down from planes and spotting stuff on the ground I recognize, or think I recognize. Taking off out of Oakland yesterday, I brought my little 3 megapixel digital camera. When we made our big loop out over San Francisco Bay, then headed east, we happened to be right over Berkeley. I recognized a school in our neighborhood and snapped a couple of quick pictures through the window without being sure if anything would show up. Looking at them tonight on my computer at my dad’s place in Chicago, I can see I got a nice detailed look at our neighborhood. The dramatically blown-up image is of our block; I can even make out the addition we just built behind our house and our salmon-pink shed (they’re near the right margin of the image, roughly, and a little more than a third of the way up from the bottom edge of the picture). Don’t know why I’m so amazed, but I’m blown away by the detail.

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