Berkeley Infrastructure Notes


This probably happens everywhere: An old utility pole reaches the end of its useful life and gets replaced. There are several places in our neighborhood where an old pole has been splinted to a brand new one installed next to it. This one, on Short Street (a little stub of a lane just west of Sacramento Street; it runs between Hearst and Lincoln streets and is interrupted by the North Berkeley BART station), is unique. The old pole is loosely lashed to the new one. The old pole still carries power lines and maybe some phone and cable TV lines. It doesn’t look like it would take much to knock it over.

2 Replies to “Berkeley Infrastructure Notes”

  1. I wonder that, too. I’m almost tempted to call our local utility company to see what they have to say, though they’re busy answering questions right now about why one of their big gas pipelines blew up recently and incinerated a few dozen homes (and yes, several people, too).

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