
The first election night I worked in a newsroom was 1972. Nixon beat McGovern, and the election was called, not prematurely, at 6 p.m. or so, about the same time I walked into the office to start a double shift. My impression of that night is one of disappointment and bleakness mixed with the fun and satisfaction that I’ve always had in doing the news for events both great and small.

I’m not sure I recall the last election evening I was in the newsroom. For a presidential election, it might have been ’88–one that deserves forgetting.

Last night I’ll remember for awhile. Yeah, I’ll admit the outcome was satisfying (though I think my main feelings were relief and a sense of how surreal it is that what came to pass came to pass). But I’ll also remember it for the fun and satisfaction of working with a group that responded well to the work at hand. I went in at 5 o’clock with only a general outline sketched out of where we wanted reporters to go and what sort of stories we’d like them to do. I left after 6 a.m. after watching everyone generate enough good stuff that we could have filled our regular newscasts several times over (luckily, we had an expanded time slot today).

I slept a little. Not enough. I don’t have to work this evening, so I have today to regroup and reflect and hope I won the office election pool.

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8 Replies to “All-Nighter”

  1. Just back from a 70 degree oot-and-aboot afternoon in Chicago. Not a newspaper to be found which you’ll be glad to hear. Heard only one meatball comment in my travels. (Though, in fairness, the unibrow community is part of our National Sergeant Pepper’s Cover–over on the far edge.) Look for too much and silly reaction to the White Sox cap BO was wearing this afternoon. (Politics, sports and Jaysus–Amurrica’s favorite Irrational Reaction Funspots.) Glad you’re doing the work you enjoy. I’ll send you a DVD of last night.

  2. I’d love to see the DVD. As for the rest — hey, we’re still the home of the brave. I’ll have to look for the Obama/Sox picture (does Bill Ayers root for the Pale Hose?).

  3. I just heard someone say Fred Thompson might be the next Base Re-Energizer. (I DO appreciate comedy.) They’d be better off with Curt Schilling, The Blowhole’s Blowhole.

  4. It’s certainly more fun to watch from the winning side than the losing side. Politically I’m in the minority in my office; I took Wednesday off on the theory I’d either be insufferable or crabby — not fit company for my co-workers either way.

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