The Giant Killer, Facing More Giants

A nice piece from The New York Times on David Wiens, the man who took on and beat both Floyd Landis and Lance Armstrong in the Leadville 100:

Beating Lance Armstrong, Then Gettng Back to Life

Wiens says he is glad for the attention and hopes he inspires people, but he knows next year’s Leadville race will be even more challenging.

After a bike industry convention last month in Las Vegas, he ran into a top pro mountain biker who told him, “I was talking to my manager and saying, ‘Someone’s got to beat Wiens.’ ”

“So, I know they’re coming,” Wiens said. “These are the guys I retired from, because I was tired of getting whupped up by them. I’m going to be a year older, but I’m not going to shy away from them. I’m going to give it a go.”

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