Freeway Overpass


From Friday night on Potrero Hill. From Utah Street just south of Mariposa, there’s a pedestrian overpass crossing U.S. 101 to Vermont Street on the east side. I can’t quite explain it, but I alway like walking over the freeway there. Something about getting to watch the traffic from so close by without being part of it, maybe. Last night after work I went up there and experimented with some time exposure by placing my camera on one of the railings of the pedestran bridge (there’s a fence to prevent it from falling onto the highway) setting the shutter on delay before releasing it.

This view is looking north. Interstate 80, which goes all the way to New York City, starts where you can see the green highway signs in the left center (if you click for the larger image, you can see that one of the signs directs drivers to the Bay Bridge, which is visible in the right center).

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One Reply to “Freeway Overpass”

  1. Nice photo.
    When I lived part-time in a bedroom overlooking I-80 (on Merced in Richmnd) I used to stare at it occasionally, awed by the fact that that road goes all the way to New York.
    My un-awed rational side would often kick in and remind me that the connection is rather artificial. It’s not like the concrete in the Bay Area has anything to do with that in New York.

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