Stage 4: Your Phil Liggett Quote of the Day

Phil on watching the Stage 4 time trial: This is the one day you don’t want to be out on the road, you want to be behind your television screen because we can explain everything.

–Versus also explained that the length of today’s stage, 29 kilometers, is equivalent to the distance from Mesquite, Texas, to Dallas. Oh, yeah–that helps!

–Versus’s chirpy Robbie Ventura rode along with Garmin-Chipotle team director Jonathan Vaughters to watch the ride of David Millar. After Millar went through the second time check 14 seconds behind the leader. Ventura asked, “Jonathan, how’s this going for ya?” Vaughters let out a long breath and replied, “Fuck, man.” As Vaughters urged Millar on, Ventura reported, “You can feel the excitement in this car.”

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2 Replies to “Stage 4: Your Phil Liggett Quote of the Day”

  1. That makes perfect sense to me I live in Dallas I know just how long it is, I have ridden in many times.

  2. I’m sure it’s useful info if you’re in Dallas. Less so if you’re in Seattle, Chicago, Boston, Atlanta, or any other place outside the DFW Metroplex–though that’s just a guess.
    Peace out …

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