As I said to an important advisor earlier today: Just what I need as a further diversion from the serious business of life–a new blog. It’s called re: Cycling, and I’ve been noodling around with it for awhile. Not that you can tell, necessarily: to the untrained eye, it resembles a blog just like the one devoted to your aunt’s pet cat’s colon surgery. What prompts the “announcement”–sure to propel waves of consternation across the far-flung Infospigot empire–is the onset of the 2008 Tour de France. For the most part, I’m going to make my Tour posts at re: Cycling. The extra special Tour posts with the added, deep existential dimension: those will appear here, too–if there are any.
The new thing is a work in progress. I have it in mind to ask a couple of riding and writing friends to become co-editors, contributors, and maybe do a couple little spin-off projects based on what we put together there. That’s a longer term project, though.
Any thoughts, suggestions, encouragement or condemnation: please send it my way.
Technorati Tags: blogs, tour de france
That is a very nice looking blog. Good luck.
I LOVE the Phill Liggettisms! I have two blogs, one is devoted to help Spinning instructors “Keep it Real” in their Spin classes, and recently, I have been posting tips on how to simulate TDF stages in Spin classes (and not do any crazy aerobics-on-a-bike in the process). I actually had a post where I listed my favorite Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwin comments, so you can be sure I’ll put a link to this blog on there! My Spinning blog is – share it with any indoor cycling instructors you know who need to clean up their act an lose the squats and hovers and just RIDE the bike!
My other blog is on, you guessed it – cycling in Europe (including the Tour de France)!
Thanks for a great blog, and you’ll soon see a link on mine to yours!
Jennifer Sage