Today’s Favorite Toy

Another Google Map application: Google Census. This one combines Google Maps with 2000 U.S. Census data. It’s simple and has its limits. The demographic information that’s available on the site is somewhat limited, and the ability to refine the area you want to search is, too. But the ability to click just about any point on a map of the United States and get both a quick profile of the population and housing stock is pretty impressive.


The site looks like it’s a demonstration by an outfit called AnalyGIS (GIS is the acronym for “geographic information systems”) that seems focused on providing mapping products to a variety of commercial customers.

2 Replies to “Today’s Favorite Toy”

  1. Census information is great and all, but wouldn’t it be great if someone put these maps to real use? Like, what if a map could answer the age-old question: Where can a guy get a good beer?

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