Responding to the growing popularity of “24”-centered drinking games, the Infospigot Research Institute has developed an easy-to-use way of telling players how drunk the show and its characters are making them. Without further ado:
during the current episode of—Say it! Say it now!—”24.” I am A Jack/Tony/Curtis Wannabe A Chloe/Audrey/Michelle (R.I.P.) Wannabe I weigh Pounds Kilograms and I live/dwell in
About the ’24’ Drinking Game Calculator Do we really need a ’24’ Drinking Game Calculator? Who’s tougher—Jack or Tony? Who was smarter—Kim or the Cubs mug? Anything else? |
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The Illinois Secretary of State also takes into consideration over what period (how much time has elapsed) that the alcohol has been consumed. Warning: those with liver dysfunction may show higher numbers.
You’re right, and this calculator assumes all the substance abuse is occurring in a one-hour period — in other words, during the 60 minutes the show is on the air. The inspiration for doing that was noticing how many people — not hundreds, but more than a couple — came looking for information on a “24” drinking game after I sarcastically mentioned one in a post a couple weeks ago.
I found that I was able to drink four pints of beer during 24 and still be under the legal limit (though very likely still slapped with a DUI if I were driving a car and pulled over) in California. That’s quite a lot of beer in just one hour, but I think I can do it.
I’ll catch up on 24 when the run ends and the entire saga is on DVD. Somewhat related: Monday during CSI Caruso, I took a slug from the office bottle of John Powers each time The Messiah said, “Mr. Wolf.” Today, I was named an Honorary Senator from Massachusetts.