Family Day in the Dump


My brother John and nephew Sean are visiting for a week. As honored guests, we’re taking them to all our favorite local spots. Such as the Albany Bulb–the abandoned landfill on the bay just north of Berkeley. It is part of a state park now and has long since become the haunt of dogwalkers, strollers, postmodern nature lovers, scrap artists, and pagan cultists of various light and dark stripes (to judge from some of the artifacts dredged up from or hauled down to the dumpland).

An artist (artists?) whose anonymous work we see down at the bulb stencils well-known images onto chunks of concrete: Amelie, the French movie character; Albert Einstein, theoretical physicist and pop icon; and Mona Lisa, Leonardo’s girlfriend. Down at the bulb Saturday, John and Sean got right into the spirit of the place. John spotted a piece of likely debris in the underbrush and placed it in suggestive juxtaposition to Mona Lisa; Sean then supplied a piece of performance art.


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