Day at the Beach

Below: a slideshow of an afternoon up at Point Reyes (on the Pierce Point Road and at Kehoe Beach, to be more specific). It was utterly gorgeous on the strand, which looked like you could walk it all day and never reach the end. (And by way of explanation, we went out there with our neighbors and friends, Jill and Piero Martinucci, who you see in some of the pictures.)

Tomales Point


Sunday’s family outing (posted Monday the 17th but dated the 16th, when it happened), was up to Point Reyes. A favorite destination: The Tomales Point trail, which rambles and rolls for nearly 5 miles miles from a place called Pierce Point Ranch up to the very northern tip of Point Reyes. The trail is in the middle of some of the most beautiful countryside anywhere on the West Coast. And as a bonus you’ll likely get to see the herd of tule elk that have been reintroduced up at that northern end of the point.

In attendance yesterday: the visiting contingent of Chicago Brekkes; Eamon and Sakura, who drove up from Mountain View; and the Berkeleyites. (The picture above: looking northeast across poppies and rocks to Mount St. Helena).