Polk-Harding Day: Early Warning

As explained elsewhere, I was noodling with White House birthdays. For your party-planning purpses — let’s get ready for Polk-Harding Day ’06! — here’s a calendar of sorts of the birthdays of the presidents:

January February March
Fillmore (7)
Nixon (9)
McKinley (29)
F.D. Roosevelt (30)
Reagan (6)
W.H. Harrison (9)
Lincoln (12)
Washington (22)
Jackson (15)
Madison (16)
Cleveland (18)
Tyler (29)
April May June
Jefferson (13)
Buchanan (23)
Grant (27)
Monroe (28)
Truman (8)
Kennedy (29)
G.H.W. Bush (12)
July August September
Coolidge (4)
G.W. Bush (6)
J. Q. Adams (11)
Ford (14)
Hoover (10)
Clinton (19)
B. Harrison (20)
L. B. Johnson (27)
Taft (15)
October November December
Carter (1)
Hayes (4)
Arthur (5)
Eisenhower (14)
T. Roosevelt (27)
J. Adams (30)
Polk (2)
Harding (2)
Garfield (19)
Pierce (23)
Taylor (24)
Van Buren (5)
Wilson (28)
A. Johnson (29)