‘Spigot Flow Report

In person, I think I’m loquacious and logorrheic as ever, given half a chance. In the last little while, though, the blog output has flagged. Thinking a lot about some things, but feeling a little overwhelmed about what to say about them, or whether to say anything at all. This quote from “The Thin Red Line,” spoken during much more dire circumstance than I’ve ever experienced, has come to mind: “What difference do you think you can make, one man in all this madness?”

3 Replies to “‘Spigot Flow Report”

  1. Hey, Ron:
    I had no idea you were in these parts.
    Reading the Marvell quote — I had never heard of him until now — I’m wondering how many levels of irony I’m dealing with. In respect to the Irish, of course, Cromwell’s name is still akin to those of certain 20th century mass murderers and his legacy is reduced to one phrase: “To hell or to Connacht” (spoken regarding his intentded fate for those who still resisted English rule). So I have to go back and read Marvell’s ode again when my head is clear.

  2. remember, “no raindrop feels responsible for the flood.”
    we’re not only responsible for our voice, but we have a responsibility to have a voice.

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