X Prize News 08.05.04

Well, Toronto’s da Vinci Project just announced it will launch October 2, three days after Burt Rutan’s SpaceShipOne. But the most amazing part of the story to me — setting aside the fact there’s a guy who’s going to climb onto a largely untested launch system and try to go to space — is the sponsorship: GoldenPalace.com, an online casino which operates from an Indian reservation near Montreal, pumped in several hundred thousand dollars to make this thing happen. Their angle: They get to be the first casino in space. In fact, they’re going to give da Vinci Project astronaut Brian Feeney a laptop so he can gamble online while he’s up there. More details later.

Update: Wired News posted my story (which was filed before I wrote the message above, by the way) by noon PDT, which actually made it competitive with Space.com, MSNBC, and other outlets. Yay.

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